Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mariah Carey, Cameron Diaz and Claire Danes all sign fans body

This is video coverage from the 2009 Spirit awards. I was there and managed to capture Mariah Carey, Camerom Diaz, and Claire Danes signing for Melissa "Autograph tattoogirl". Melissa gets the celebrities to sign her body and then she gets that made into a tattoo. I could not believe that Mariah was actually cool to sign her body. Some celebrities like reese witherspoon and queen latifah have yet to sign but with Melissa's list getting shorter by the day, it is only a matter of time. Let me know if you like the video.

here is the video of actress Michelle Williams signing for Melissa. I wonder what Heath Ledger would say if he was still alive. Lets all hope Heath wins the Oscar today.

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