Friday, March 19, 2010

Gerard Butler adores his fans

So Gerard Butler is gonna be back in Los Angeles this coming week. He's promoting the Bounty Hunter and another movie. Every time i see this man I laugh which says alot because it takes a heck of alot to make me laugh. Of the 3 dates that I know Gerard will be out I will be able to get video for all his fans to enjoy twice. Gerry always stops for his fans, which usually consist of 90% ladies, I'm male and shoot video for all u ladies to enjoy. Since I first saw Gerard at the P.S I love you premiere in LA where he signed my nephews had drawing of Gerry from 300. Gerry said " he liked that man". Search the video on my site to see it for yourself that is when I became a fan of Gerard. Then every time after that it has been a pleasure. In a world where celebs are tempermental at best Gerard is almost always one of the best that I have met. If you have met Gerry then feel free to comment and let me know how your encounter went with him. Check back this tuesday night as I hope to have some great footage of Gerard from that day then again on wednesday.

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