Monday, April 21, 2008

Vince McMahon gets his star unveiled in Hollywood on March 14,2008

Well I decided to attend the star unveiling for Vince McMahon down in Hollywood, California on March 14,2008. I'm bringing this to you now since i recently started this blog. It was a fun day down on Hollywood Blvd. Alot of wrestling fans were on hand to see the WWE Boss finally get his due for bringing entertainment all around the world. Vince McMahon was joined by his son Shane and wife Linda. HHH Hunter Hearst Hemsley was also in attendance. The fans were rowdy as they awaited the ceremonies. HHH gave a great speech, starting off with his famous "ARE YOU READY" and ending his speech with "SUCK IT". Vince gave perhaps the best speech i have heard when receiving a star on the hollywood blvd. Vince thanked all the fans and the granddad's for watching over the years. After this though, Vince gave his heal speech which was absolutely a classic. The fans also changed from cheering Vince on, to giving him a familiar greeting which i cannot write but it ends in hole!! I was dissapointed that some of the other wrestlers' didn't show up to show some support for Vince. Only thing that was missing was for Vince to receive a Pedigree on his freshly unveiled star and then Stone Cold Steve Austin could have given him a stunner for good measure. Now that would have truly been a highlight! Some of the fans were a little dissapointed that Vince and HHH did not sign any autograph's, however, Shane and Linda did make a little time for the fans that had waited for 3 hours to see Vince receive his star. If you would like to check out the video i shot that day go to then type in curls93. Please bare with me till i figure out how to link my videos directly to my blog.

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